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    An organization that cares and empowers the underprivileged

  • About us

    What do we do as an organization?

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    Projek Bina Ukhwah was founded in 2017 by a group of higher institutions students and alumnus who hope to bring together all parts of our local community to play their active role in helping the economically challenged and underprivileged families in Brunei.


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    To create a better and safer living environment for the economically challenged and underprivileged family

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    1. B.U HOBPRO
    2. B.U DEAR
    4. B.U T & E
  • Objectives

    1. To provide a community service platform for all aspects of the society in contributing towards community development and creating a safer living environment for economically challenged family.


    2. To play a part in community development works as to promote the importance of responsible community.


    3. To support and empower the economically challenged family in earning their income sustainably by providing mentoring, monitoring, management and micro-grant assistance.

    4. To educate and empower young volunteers in community service project through first hand experience, training and mentorship.


    5. To educate the economically challenged families on the importance of hygiene and health.


    6. To channel skills and expertise of the young volunteers in helping out the economically challenged families.


    7. To practice collaborative actions in contributing back to the community.

  • Strategies

    By creating a safe living means, our project helps to identify dilapidated and unhygienic dwellings that may pose danger to the family and help to repair and build a safer house while teaching them on the importance of hygiene throughout the project. We engaged various stakeholders through our “Community of doing good” initiative where they’ve contributed donations and sponsorship ranging from building materials to manpower.


    In our efforts to create a “better living”, we are focusing on 3 main aspects: Economic Empowerment, Education and Engagement. Through Projek Bina Ukhwah Family Empowerment and Economic Development Program (BUFEED), we help to empower the families through entrepreneurship by providing them with assistance such as skills matching, ideation, micro-grant, monitoring, resource management, financial planning and evaluation.




    Through Education, we promote an inclusive approach in providing a capacity building program to all levels of youth. In Brunei, most capacity building programs are attended by the youth that have good access to the training. However through Projek Bina Ukhwah Training Series, we provide the opportunity to the youth from underprivileged families, juvenile delinquencies and unemployed to participate in our capacity building programs every month by waiving the fee for them and providing them with access to the training venue. We hope that the programs will help to enhance their skills that may benefit them in the future.


    Bina Ukhwah Home Betterment Program



    To explore and identify economically challenged family in the country with dilapidated houses and directly exposed to hazards.



    IDENTIFICATION – Conduct research on the families.


    PLANNED ACTION – Design action plan to provide safer living environment.


    MONITORING AND INTERVENTION – Conduct knowledge intervention and spread awareness on hygiene, safety and healthy living environment for the economically challenged families.


    FOLLOW UP - Check with the families and their current conditions.


    OTHER MEANS - Through projects such as Senyuman Emas.

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  • B.U DORA

    Bina Ukhwah Religious Affairs Program



    Religious aspects in events, related projects, training, program and such.

    Spiritual leadership.



    Provide religious education and talks for B.U committee and volunteer members on religious topics.

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  • B.U Concept

    Bina Ukhwah Concept is simple!





    1. Problems encountered

    2. Solutions and Intervention

    3. Budgeting

    4. Future Plan







    Check with the family and their current conditions.


    1. Co-Founder: Pg. Hj. Ahmad Fadillah Akhbar Bin Pg. Hj Sellahhuddin

    Dk. Nur Duratul Ain Binti Pg. Saripuddin


    2. Vice- President: Nurul Aqilah Binti Hj. Mohd Yusof


    3. Treasurer: Dk. Nur Duratul Ain Binti Pg. Saripuddin


    4. Director of Human Resource: Hajah Nurul Izzati Nazirah Binti Haji Embran


    5. Director of Logistic: Ampuan Muhammad Hanis Safwan bin Ampuan Haji Sulaiman






    6. Director of Health, Safety & Environment (HSE): Angelia Anderias


    7. Director of Media & Creativity: Abdul Raihan bin Singpa @ Abdul Majid


    8. Director of HOBPRO:
    Hana Farhana @ Nur Shuhada’ Binti Hj. Md Som


    9. Director of BU DORA Religious Affairs:
    Qabsah Munawwarah Binti Alimunawar



  • organizational structure

    Our setup. Our layout.

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    Implementing the structure makes our individual roles and responsibility much more clearer and easier to execute as a team.

  • Community of Doing Good


    • Intamas Corporation Sdn Bhd

    • Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah

    • Lily Imani Enterprise

    • Syarikat Juruukur Naweh

    • Brunei Halal Food

    • Nurture Enterprise

    • Jerudong International School

    • Creativate

    • Guild Siswazah UBD

    ​• SCOT

    • ITPSS​

    • Brunei Halal

    Companies and individuals that have contributed to our organization and our projects.



    • LSL Corporation

    • La Vida Brunei

    • Arkitek Rekajaya

    • Icon Marketing Consultancy

    • Restoran M. Yus

    • Syarikat Juruukur Fadly

    • Persatuan KESAN

    • IBTE Community Club

    • Jabatan Belia dan Sukan

    • Jabatan Pembangunan Masyarakat

    • Anonymous Donors/Sponsors

  • media coverage

    Previous Media Coverage

  • Videos

    Project Bina Ukhwah Videos

    Soup Kitchen warms hearts

    Youth volunteers bring smiles to senior citizens

    Jelajah Ramadhan 2019

    Jelajah Ramadhan 2018

    Senyuman Emas 2.0

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    Membership Registration

    Sign up below and help us improve the lives of the underprivileged.

  • Connect With Us

    Stay up to date with our activities or drop us a hello.

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